Philly On The Rise, a raw, unfiltered reality web show, is making waves in the genre of “ratchet TV,” a term popularized by the Zeus Network. This show isn’t just about drama; it's a love letter to Philadelphia and its vibrant underground scene. With a unique cast including Ra Blanco, Bigg Muffin, Robbie, Bryhiem, Kam, Leemy Hendrixx, and J Marquise, this show brings the energy and authenticity of black gay Philly straight to your screen.
From the Streets of Philly to Your Screen
Philly On The Rise is all about putting the city on the map—because, let's face it, Philly’s always been a place where artists have to hustle hard and often leave town to get the recognition they deserve. But these folks are flipping the script. They’re here to show that talent thrives right at home, whether it’s spitting bars at the iconic Tabu, one of the city's most beloved gay bars, or preparing for the ultimate showdown at Philly's Most Wanted.
Reality TV with a Twist
While the show offers the classic allure of reality TV—think jaw-dropping moments and relatable life struggles—it also serves a bigger purpose. It provides a platform for emerging talents, showcasing their grind and hustle as they rise in the industry. And while there’s room for growth (who wouldn’t love to see more glam?), the cast’s tenacity is inspiring. They're not just the first to do it, as Kamala Harris famously said, they're making sure they’re not the last.
A Glimpse into the Future
The entire first season, a seven-episode rollercoaster, is available on YouTube for your binge-watching pleasure. And we're sharing this hoping for a second season—because the world needs more from Philly’s rising stars. We want to see them grow, both in confidence and bling.
Tune in, and don’t just watch the drama unfold—experience Philly’s pulse, its hustle, and its heart. Each episode is a testament to the city's culture, creativity, and unyielding spirit.
For those who are ready to see what Philly really has to offer, check out Philly On The Rise on YouTube. And if you want to stay in the loop with more stories that matter, keep it locked on Icon City News.
Peace, love, and Philly cheesesteaks,