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Dallas Wade Had A Good Thing Going

Then he went on the Zeus network.

Gay fans of Dallas Wade are rethinking their choices after a Zeus Television special aired featuring the behind the scenes lives of digital sex workers. In the special, model, and former American Idol contestant, Dallas Wade shared how he makes hundreds of thousands a year marketing his nude pics to his audience.

According to Wade, that audience consists of 85% gay men. Straight guys using their sex appeal to gain money and favors from gay men is a story as old as time. As with most subjects related to sexuality, it's more enjoyable for everyone the less you think about it.

In addition to his less than uber-masculine presentation (which we realize only matters in the business of sexual objectification), Some articles are suggesting gay men may be rethinking the monthly fee they pay to see exclusive pictures of Dallas in his birthday suit.

Unfortunately, Dallas may have opened up a bit too much which can be confusing when the job requires "bearing it all" in other aspects. From an immature exchange with his girlfriend when he accuses her friends of "wanting to [expletive] him" to the state of his apartment (like where does the money go?) the man behind the curtain might not be the man that many were paying for.


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