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3 Ways Apple Made Us More Unsafe With Vape Ban

How good intentions lead to bad decisions.

Sometime around early November 2019, Apple decided to remove all apps related to vaping from it's marketplace. On its face the decision appears to be a reasonable response to an outbreak of vape-related deaths and illnesses. However, here are 3 reasons why I think they should rethink their position.

1. Many Apps Identified Manufacturer and Testing Info.

It is the position of people studying the outbreak that "Vitamin E Acetate" is being added by unlicensed to in effect "stretch" the oils. The majority of legal THC vape companies don't use fillers. If they do, most states with recreational or medical marijuana laws require the information be reported in testing.

PAX, one of the leading vape manufacturer's app detailed the results of strenuous. Without that extra level of authentication, vapers may be lured to cheaper and more dangerous products.

2. Some Apps Allowed Users To Lock The Vape, Thus Keeping It Out The Hands of Minors.

One of the major concerns about the vape industry is how many young people are being drawn in. Anti-vapers actually cite what they deem as marketing aimed at minors, but if you believe that access should be restricted, the app ban works against that goal .

3. The Apps Measured and Limited Doses

In theory the biggest risk with all controlled substances is abuse and over use. For people using cannabis for health related issues, many will be faced to guess their doses resulting in unintended intoxication and accidents.

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